速報APP / 生活品味 / Sleep partner beta

Sleep partner beta





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




Sleep partner beta(圖1)-速報App

This is your sleep partner that, unlike some conventional alarm apps, encourages you to live a healthy lifestyle, helping you fall asleep and wake up at your target time.

It is for you who stay up late playing with your smartphone and cannot wake up in the morning even if your alarm rings. With this app, however, you can keep early hours from now on.

** Main features **


- Good for your eyes

 Blue light on your screen is filtered out and the screen starts to dim 3 hours before your target bed time.

 Maximum 83 percent of the blue light is filtered out, which helps you to rest your brain and fall asleep naturally.

Sleep partner beta(圖2)-速報App

- Sheep reminds you of the time to sleep

 A flock of lovely sheep will remind you of the time to sleep, appearing on the screen to be with you until you fall asleep.

- The way sheep behaves changes depending on how you achieve your target (Please note that Wake-up should also be turned on)

 Sheep's facial expression and frequency of its appearance change every day depending on how you achieve/miss your target.

If you set a target bedtime but could not sleep at that time, sheep would cry and appear on the screen more often, worrying about you. On the other hand, if you could sleep at your target bedtime, sheep would help you less.


- Pleasant wake-up

Sleep partner beta(圖3)-速報App

 Alarm rings with birds singing at your wake-up time for you to have a pleasant morning. When you dismiss an alarm, the time will be read out.

- Message from sheep

** App questionnaire **

Please take around one minute to answer a questionnaire to help us improve the app.

An icon will be shown at the right bottom of the screen to link to the questionnaire page after you use this app for a month.

** Supported OS **

Android 4.4.2 or higher

Sleep partner beta(圖4)-速報App

* This application uses Google Analytics to collect and aggregate usage statistics in order to help us improve the application and our services. None of this data can be used to identify you.

* This App is being provided as a "Public Beta", and is made available on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. We do not warrant that the app contained in any content, due to the nature of the app, will be uninterrupted, error-free or no defects. We disclaim all warranties of the accuracy, completeness, usefulness, reliability or safety.

* Xperia™ is a trademark or registered trademark of Sony Mobile Communications Inc.

Sleep partner beta(圖5)-速報App